These interventions allow students to be aware of nature. The artist approaches it in different fields, in a playful and creative way, so that the children blossom. A new project is underway in this school for the year 2017-2018.

These interventions allow students to be aware of nature. The artist approaches it in different fields, in a playful and creative way, so that the children blossom. A new project is underway in this school for the year 2017-2018.
These public meetings have allowed the artist to transmit her love for art and nature. She thanks all her partners and Julie Balagué, photographer and resident of the Maladrerie housing estate, for her photos.
Through this project, Sylvie Da Costa wanted to make the teenagers aware of the richness of art and nature, by integrating an environmental dimension, with the creation in situ in the public space, composed of their painted tiles and signatures. She thanks the CAPA for this collaboration.