Using the graffiti/stencil technique, Sylvie Da Costa prints her “Victory Garden Game” on the ground. In other words, about sixty multicoloured squares, arranged in the form of a spiral, designed with Hélène Durosini, a visual artist. This creation is a nod to the “Victory Garden Game”, a call to the population to invest public space by gardening, to avoid famine after the war. It proposes gardening acts throughout the four seasons, in an “easy to read and understand” method, so that it is accessible to as many people as possible. This original creation (registered game) questions art in the public space, as a playful educational tool, by learning to read, count and garden in harmony with nature. Once the game on the ground has been created, a game is organised with the participants, dice in hand. Sylvie Da Costa is going to distribute her “Victory Garden Game” as a collaborative performance, as the feedback from these first projects has been positive. A “board game” version is currently being designed.

The In Situ Art Festival invites Sylvie Da Costa to perform her “Victory Garden Game”. She creates with her team “Mala 800 Zoo” her environmental game in situ this month of July. in situ art festival